Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Journey.

Hi All!
So I know it has been some time since the last blog post, but I have been busy, travelling actually. I recently visited Roatan, Honduras with my class. It was an amazing experience. From Scuba Diving-to being able to interact and Snorkel with dolphins. We (my class as well as I) also got to visit SOL, which stands for School Of Life international.

I never in my life (before this year) imagined that I Sneha the Great could ever, would ever Scuba Dive! I thought that it was an activity that only the extremely brave and fearless could partake in. And I also figured that you had to be an adult, strong, a really good swimmer, a shark-battler, immune to jellyfish stings, and yea. However there I was diving away, having the time of my life, in the gorgeous waters of Roatan, Honduras in the midst of these beautiful fish; slow, graceful sea turtles; and stunning coral (literally). It was eye-opening! Well that and the fact that you needed the orbs, so you wouldn't bump into a patch of fire coral. Quoting Jen "Anything with the name fire in it underwater, doesn't sound too safe."Well, she said something like that.

And then the Dolphins. And like Scuba-ing, I though interacting with Dolphins, was just "wishful thinking" ;) . Dolphins are such beautiful creatures, so graceful, and happy (usually), and playful, and * murmuring * fish craving. But really, they are so DELIGHTFUL! Urgggg. It took me forever to figure out what their skin felt like, when we got to rub them down, and this was my closest description. Their "skin" feels like, you know those little card-kinda things, that you get on Valentine' day??? When you look at them they are one picture but if you bend them or look at it from another angle the picture changes??? And when you scratch it, it makes a funny sound??? Well anyways, that feeling of that card thingie is just the same feeling as a Dolphin.

And OH MY GOODNESS, those dear kids at SOL. I could eat them up, they are so freaking amazing, and -cute- ADORABLE, and sweet, and so caring of one another, and I could just go on and on forever. They are definitely not as fortunate as anyone of us reading this, because it means that you are on a gizmo of some sort, and they cannot at all afford even basic things! But through whatever, goes on in their household, or family, or school, or anything, the one thing you can most definitely get out of them when you spin them around or play pato, pato, ganso,with them is a simple smile. And I kid you not, they have fantastic smiles. They are just so amazing. By the next post I put up, hopefully I can get some pictures of them for you guys!!!

So Ciao bellas and Bellos I guess! Your emoji for the day is -<@%, it's a bumblebee!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I am so sorry!!!

Hi everyone!
I am so terribly sorry about the freakishly long break that occurred between my first post and this one. I have been so occupied with crazy end-of-year events, for school and such. We are also moving, so I am practically swimming in boxes in my "home" which will no longer be my home quite soon *sniffles*... ... And I will be taking a pretty big vacation with my class, that includes scuba diving, swimming with dolphins, and visiting SOL international. Yea, I know you're jelly, DON'T DENY IT!!! And then, I will be taking a vacation with my family. Yuppers, so pretty busy. After my first post, I feel like I have been drained of what I am going to write!!! I NEED TO BE INSPIRED!!! Anyways, I promised myself that I would publish a new post TODAY because, I feel so guilty about waiting like, what, 6-7 weeks or something??? I actually attempted at starting a new blog post at least 8 times, but ALAS they are all failures of drafts, and were cast away with a single reread. So for now I guess it's this pathetic little paragraph that will have to suffice! I really am sorry!!! Here you go sad spongebob will feel sad with you as you realize what a dork-ish little paragraph this is!
But no need to worry, because happy spongebob GRANT YOU FREAKING RAINBOWS, SO BE HAPPY MY LITTLE PRETTIES!!!!
Have a good week! I can't promise that I will have a post anytime soon, so by the next time I post I will be happy/sad Sneha in a new house!!! Well happy because, well, duh! NEW HOUSE!!! And sad, because, well, duh!!! LEAVING OLD HOUSE!!! So yea, ciao bellas and bellos I guess! B-) (Cool smiley!)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Introductions (Wonderful Places to Begin!)

Helllloooooo... I have never blogged before, so please no harsh judgements!!! That is probably insanely hard for a lot of people. I understand because I am right there with ya, being non-judgemental is very, very hard. 

Before anything, I suppose introducing my self would seem practical. My name is Sneha, if you hadn't figured by the title of this Blog. I am your average adolescent female. I suppose people relate to other people through similar hobbies and leisurely pursuits, and similar likings. On that note some of my hobbies include reading, knitting, surfing the web (Youtube, Seventeen, Webpacman, and Ninjakiwi being some of them), and watching one of my favorite shows Castle. My dearies, if you have not heard of Pacxon or Bloons Tower Defense 5, then you are, in fact, missing out on life. Here are links to either website. No need to thank me. I just hope you to finishing up that Homework sometime. (YOLO... I know people hate that, but ya know, YOLO)
(Just copy and paste the URL it onto your URL searcher thingie.)
Bloons Tower Defense 5:
(Just look up Bloons Tower Defense 5)

My favorite color is dark purple. Nope, not just purple, DARK purple. I don't know why, I just find that it seems so royal. I thoroughly enjoy thunder-showery days and very sunny days! A lot of people associate sunny with happy, but there are always exceptions... Like me!!! I am not a very happy person, when people first see me, I doubt happy is the first word that comes to their mind. I also take Piano lessons, I am not a very good Pianist, but there ya have it, PIANO. I can also say I have attempted to play the Ukulele. So yea, if you don't know me then I am fabulous Ukulele-ist. However, if you do know me, then umm, I never said anything about Ukuleles. 

I suppose another thing I could point out is the fact that I am Indian, go figure! Because Sneha isn't a brown enough name already! Just kidding. I love my heritage, I really do! Speaking of India I also attended a boarding school in India for most of my middle school years. I suppose the reason I point this out is because, it is probably the most interesting thing I can tell you about my life. Yup... Oh, and I also take traditional Indian dance. So there you have it, all my talent on this itty bitty page. Just shows you how much use I have made out of my life. 

Everything I type is pretty much how I say things in my head, so imagine thinking in a Sneha brain! Continuing on about things that I like, (because you really need to know this) are owls, and pretty thingamabobs, and a heck of a lot of things that I don't own, but I wish I did ( don't we all?).

If you are wondering what you might find on this blog, the truth is, I really don't know! I will be blogging all sorts of crazy things! Hopefully that make people laugh. I like happy people, let's hope that most people like happy people! So on that note, Ciao Bellas! and Bellos, I guess. :(|) (It's a Monkey)